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Beep Sounds

When the computer is turned on in-built program will get execute that is power-on self-test (POST). To ensure that all hardware is working properly before Operating System load. Computer generates a single beep (with some computer BIOS manufacturers it may beep twice) when it start up. However, if any malfunction identified means, the computer will either not beep at all or will generate a beep code to alert user to find the problem source.

AMI BIOS beep sounds
Beep CodeProblem Source
1 shortDRAM refresh failure
2 shortParity circuit failure
3 shortBase 64K RAM failure
4 shortSystem timer failure
5 shortProcess failure
6 shortKeyboard controller Gate A20 error
7 shortVirtual mode exception error
8 shortDisplay memory Read/Write test failure
9 shortROM BIOS checksum failure
10 shortCMOS shutdown Read/Write error
11 shortCache Memory error
1 long 3 shortConventional/Extended memory failure
1 long 8 shortDisplay/Retrace test failed
AWARD BIOS beep sounds
Beep CodeProblem Source
1 long 2 shortIndicates a video error has occurred and the BIOS cannot initialize the video screen to display any additional information
Any other beep(s)RAM problem



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